Would you live in a world without plastic?
Raw Egg Nationalist is a bestselling author and the creator of MAN’S WORLD, an online magazine that recently started offering a print option.
In his article, Every Little Helps, he discusses the startling reality we currently live in:
Plastics are everywhere.
Ten years ago, Alex Jones was roundly mocked by the mainstream media for claiming that the herbicide Atrazine was feminising frogs and other aquatic life. The implication was that exposure might have the same effects on us as well. Today, it’s clear, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Jones was a prophet crying out in the wilderness. We should have listened.
Reproductive issues are plaguing modernized society. What other issue are being caused by plastics, a known endocrine disruptor? Time will tell.
Raw Egg Nationalist isn’t an alarmist. Plastics aren’t going anywhere. If they’re in your organs, they’re probably going to stay there. But you can take steps to remove any plastics that haven’t found their way into your cells yet.
Read about it in the Spring Issue of Renegade Health Magazine.
Big Pharma Profit Pursuit Interferes with Real Health
Ron Rockwell, a physician writing under this alliterative pseudonym, describes the story of his father’s battle with pancreatic cancer. Turns out there’s quite a bit more research to support the use of high dose IV vitamin C than mainstream medicine would have you believe.
Why would they suppress such a discovery?
Vitamin C is dirt cheap, highly effective and off-patent. There’s no profit to be made and therefore no reason to use it. In fact, maybe there’s more Big Pharma profit if cancer sticks around.
A novel therapeutic which could have extended his life was left unused, at least partly because it didn’t have the potential to become a billion dollar drug, which has left it without glory in the eyes of the medical establishment.
Doc Rockwell’s father is just one person who could have benefitted from this safe therapy. Unfortunately, his father passed. He was blessed to be surrounded by family and loved ones.
Read the whole story and all his citations in the Spring Issue of RHM.
Important Update
Renegade Health Magazine is growing and adapting.
One change requested by many people was to get away from Amazon as a printer and distributor. Amazon has its perks, for sure. But it’s difficult and costly to work with.
Now we print and distribute the magazine ourselves.
Supplies are limited to 250 physical copies.
If you want a physical copy of this incredible magazine, stuffed full of valuable health-transforming information, grab a copy sooner rather than later. Otherwise, you many be waiting for months for your copy.
Digital copies will always be available through the website.
Since the last time I emailed you, we also created a supplement.
Vital is a heart health supplement designed to do 4 things:
Improve cholesterol
Improve blood pressure
Promote cellular energy
Improve overall heart health
If you need some help in this department, please take a look.
Throwback Article
Knee pain is absurdly common. As you get older there’s a good chance you’ll experience knee pain. If you gain weight, knee pain. Trip and fall, knee pain.
Fixing knee pain shouldn’t require NSAIDs or surgery. Alexander Cortes has you covered with these simple strategies:
Sport Performance
These strategies work so well, AJAC used them on himself.
Following this exact continuum, my previously debilitating patellar tendinitis has gone from a chronic pain to nothing more than an occasional twinge that I might experience sporadically.
Check out the full article in the Spring 2023 Issue of Renegade Health.